Sur les traces d'Edward Thomas

"This is the record of a journey from London to the Quantock Hills - to Nether Stowey, Kilve, Crowcombe, and West-Bagborough, to the high point where the Taunton-Bridgwater road tops the hills and shows all Exmoor behind, all the Mendips before, and upon the left the sea, and Wales very far off. It was a journey on or with a bicycle. The season was Easter."
Edward Thomas, In Pursuit of Spring, 1913.

lundi 9 avril 2012

Water, water everywhere

Not the slightest ray of sun today. The rain never stopped.
Mike: "We haven't had a rain like that for weeks."

I am now in Portsmouth waiting for the overnight ferry to Le Havre,
hoping my shoes will dry some day.

This morning we had porridge and croissants (!) with Mike and Anita.
Mike cycled with me to Lymington, where I took a ferry to the isle of Wight.

Ticket man: "Sure you want to cycle there with the rain and the wind?"
"Well, as it happens it is the shortest way to Portsmouth."
The isle of Wight as a shortcut... Forgive me.
 It was warm in the ferry but nothing dried. People looked at me askance.
I crossed the island avoiding A and B roads.
Straight from Yarmouth to Ryde
 There was a ridiculous mountain bike episode at the end of which my bike was covered in mud. My brakes got completely loose. I should do something now but I cant be bothered. It is warm here and rainy outside.
I could hardly see anything in the rain and the mist. Or was the mist nothing but steam on my glasses?
People were driving fast, vexed perhaps by this terrible Easter Monday.
Still, I am sad to leave England. I could have spent one day more on this side, but they expected more dreadful weather.

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