Sur les traces d'Edward Thomas

"This is the record of a journey from London to the Quantock Hills - to Nether Stowey, Kilve, Crowcombe, and West-Bagborough, to the high point where the Taunton-Bridgwater road tops the hills and shows all Exmoor behind, all the Mendips before, and upon the left the sea, and Wales very far off. It was a journey on or with a bicycle. The season was Easter."
Edward Thomas, In Pursuit of Spring, 1913.

mardi 3 avril 2012

Prayer to the West Wind

Dear west wind,
How can we ride west if you keep blowing so strong?

We are now safe and warm in Frome, in a van some very nice people lent us.

Today: at the beginning there were only one or two wandering lonely clouds, then an ominous weather, then genuine showers. A day full of cows and hares and crows and daffodils, "happy living things".
Three days we rode in sun and shower...
There were some nice hills today.
The rain is not so bad -- otherwise it would be unreal. "We shall find a pleasure in the dimness of the stars".
Kindle battery running low already, blogging might become difficult at some point.
We sat on many a dedicated bench. I love them. We lunched on cottage cheese and bread and ate heaps of chocolate bars.
Mary, bikes and daffodils
 Salisbury. Friendly cathedral. We're not going to Salisbury plain, the weather is so stormy... Stonehenge will remain a mythic place for me.

Frome is a weird place, very hilly, with no center or so it seems.
My helmet is broken, my bike fell. At least it was useful in a way protected my bike. To hell with helmets. I was on helmet strike anyway.
A patter of rain is heard on the roof.

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